Irving + Bethany (San Jose, CA)
From the bride
The day after Easter, Irving picked me up for a date night. A nice dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. My sister helped me get all ready by doing my make up and curling my hair (Thank you Emily!). We went to dinner and I had no idea he was going to pop the question that evening or that his parents were driving from Santa Rosa to be apart of it and that my family were getting pictures and lights all ready at the spot. As we drove back to my house, he asked me if I was up for coffee in Morgan Hill since it was still early. I said yes and we started driving out, but than he said lets turn around and pick up Emily and PJ (my brother and sister) to go with us. So we made a u-turn, but a minute later he pulled off into Coyote Ranch saying he wanted to show me something he had seen. We drove up to the Coyote Ranch house and he parked the car and came around to open my door. We walked around the house and as we turned the corner music began to play "Thinking Outloud" and there was a tree lit up with lights and pictures of Irving and I. It was so beautiful! As we got next to the tree he nervously spoke to me and then got on one knee and asked me to marry him. I said yes and our families came over to surprise us with lots of congrats and hugs :).
- Bethany
From the groom
Really our story began in High School, both making decisions to truly serve God with our hearts and testimonies. Neglecting all the distractions that the world had to offer. We both began praying (unknowingly) for one another. To be a man of God, to be a woman of God, to share the same desires to love not only ourselves but to have the same love that Jesus has for all mankind. There are many things that we desired from one another from being in our churches since we were little, to opening the door for her to get into the car, bringing her flowers, bringing her chicken soup to her front door when she was sick, too early in the morning, but mostly that I was seeking Gods will for both our lives. I was seeking a woman that carried herself with integrity that any other man will see that she is a woman of God.
And so after asking God for direction. I traveled to San Jose California. Completely and desperately to ONLY find God, but the Lord also blessed me with the most amazing girl I had ever met in my life. She is fearfully and wonderfully made. I was captivated by her, her heart, her desire to love and to live a life only glorifying God. I wanted to do things right so I asked my pastor who she was. I met Bethany Williams a girl that was the answer to my prayers and all I had to do was travel 813 miles from Tucson AZ to San Jose Ca. God works in mysterious ways. And so after many trials, tribulations, laughter, tears, insecurities, watching ourselves to wait to kiss or hold hands we fought for every moment and now here we are two years later and anxious for our wedding day.
- Irving

Bride's dress: Trudy's Brides//
Groom's suit : Bar III at Macy's
Event planner : Cornejo's event planner //
Decoration : Laura and Fabby Loya //
Hair and Makeup : Anita Loya //
Cake : Swee passion bakery //
Photography : Debbie Ramos Photography //